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Build on past assignment attached.
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2500 words
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6-12 Professional references required. Refer to AIB style Reference Template
Please write the report in AIB report style format – template attached.
Plagerism report required.
Refer to Assignment rubric
Write a report that discusses the logistics design and logistics operations of an organisation of your choice and recommends improvements.
Learning outcomes
1. Demonstrate advanced understanding of logistics management principles, frameworks and contemporary topics
2. Critically analyse, reflect on, and synthesise complex information, problems, principles and frameworks related to integrated logisticsmanagement.
3. Research and apply relevant principles and frameworks to develop innovative and evidence-based solutions for complex logisticsoperations and design issues.
4. Clearly, concisely and credibly communicate logistics management knowledge to specialist and non-specialist audiences to informpractice.
Reflecting on the first assessment and issues associated with the lack of integration in supply chain logistics management, it is now time tothink about how businesses can design and execute well-integrated logistics to not only survive but thrive in today’s volatile businessenvironment.
In the final report, you are required to critically analyse and evaluate the logistics design and logistics operations of your organisation (or anyorganisation you are familiar with) to develop informed recommendations for improvement. Please note that the organisation may (or maynot) be the same as the one you analysed in the previous assessment.
Specifically, your report needs to include the following:
A brief overview of the organisation, its supply chain and logistics. You can delimit the scope, for example, by focussing on a subset ofproducts or services, or by addressing a part of the logistics network. You are required to provide a high-level map of the selected supplychain and logistics within the report using simple tools available in MS Word or online free software like:
A critical analysis and evaluation of the any
of the following three areas in the organisation and/or its supply chain:
warehousing, packaging and handling
logistics network design
Based on your analysis and evaluation above, develop
well-justified recommendations to improve logistics performance andantifragility, and discussions on how they could be implemented (note: one recommendation for each of the selected areas mentionedabove).
In terms of structure, presentation and style you are normally required to use:
AIB standard report format
AIB preferred Microsoft Word settings
author-date referencing style (which includes in-text citations and a reference list).
These requirements are detailed in the
AIB Style Guide
. In addition, proper evidence of research and referencing is vital.
Reference lists for AIB assessments needs to contain, at minimum, the following number of relevant references from different sources: 6 (forMBA assessments).
All references must be from credible sources such as books, industry-related journals, magazines, company documents and recent academicarticles.
Your grade will be adversely affected if your assessment contains no or poor citations, no or poor reference list, or if your assessment wordlength is beyond the allowed tolerance (see the
Assessment Policy
available on the AIB website).
Grading Criteria
Your assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:
Criterion 1:
Extent to which question is addressed (15%)
Criterion 2:
Use and understanding of theoretical concepts (25%)
Criterion 3:
Critical reflection and application of concepts to assessment tasks and relevant recommendations (50%)
Criterion 4:
Communication, presentation, structure, and language (5%)
Criterion 5:
Compliance with the AIB Style Guide in in-text citations, referencing, and use of 6-12 credible academic references excludingdata sources, etc. (5%)
See the
Capstone Assessments Rubric

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