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According to Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, children learn a great deal through modeling and imitation. For this assignment, first watch this video regarding children imitating aggressive acts:
Geert Stienissen (2010, Aug 19). Bobo Doll experiment (Bandura) [Video file]. Retrieved from
Next, watch a cartoon available for children today, which should run from 8 to 12 minutes. Count the acts of aggression that you observe.
Discuss how this modern-day cartoon equates to Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment. What types of behaviors might children be imitating after watching this cartoon? Should parents be concerned about monitoring what their children watch for entertainment? If so, how can parents help to alleviate some of the unwanted imitation?
For your paper, please include:
What cartoon you watched
How you defined an act of aggression (i.e. physical, emotional, etc.)
How many acts of aggression you observed
This response should be a minimum of 300 words and use proper APA Style documentation. Be sure to support your argument with ideas from the textbook or your own independent research. All information must be cited in the body of the text (ideas as well as writing) even if not directly quoting.
Please carefully read the rubric below and follow it for full credit.
Rubric- Assignment Psychology
Rubric- Assignment Psychology
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity & Organization
25 pts
Full Marks: Exceptionally clear and well organized with double spacing, essay divided into appropriate paragraphs, and a reference page. Includes a thesis statement, body of the essay, and a concluding paragraph.
15 pts
Partial Marks Essay is clear and organized with minor edits needed.
10 pts
Essay is needs to be better organized and/or needs to be further clarified.
0 pts
No submission/Lacking components outlined: No Marks
While organization is attempted, there are flaws in the essay’s structure.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose & Thesis
A thesis is an idea, assertion, theory, or premise on which you will base the rest of the paper.
25 pts
Exemplary: Full Marks
Shows understanding of purpose and fully explores and develops a thesis.
15 pts
Proficient: Partial Marks
Develops a purpose and thesis but still needs further work.
10 pts
Basic: Partial Marks
Essay has a partial purpose and/or thesis.
0 pts
No submission/Lacking components outlined: No Marks
Lacks development of purpose and thesis.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupporting Ideas
Supporting information is based on sound sources and not opinion. The essay must be at least 300 words but should be more if needed to express your point.
25 pts
Exemplary: Full Marks
Major supporting ideas are thoughtful, readily identifiable and well-developed in unified paragraphs with concrete, substantial and relevant information. At least 300 words.
15 pts
Proficient-Partial Marks
Supporting ideas are relevant and developed in unified paragraphs with substantial information. At least 200 to 299 words.
10 pts
Basic: Partial Marks
Supporting ideas are not relevant, and/or paragraphs need to be unified with substantial information. Under 200 words.
0 pts
No submission/Lacking components outlined: No Marks
Lacks supporting ideas.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar & Vocabulary
25 pts
Exemplary- Full Marks
Comfortable command of the language, makes precise word choices, and shows few – if any – errors in usage or mechanics.
15 pts
Proficient- Partial Marks
Word choices are precise, and though there are some errors in usage or mechanics, few are significant.
10 pts
Basic: Partial Marks
The essay uses standard diction and appropriate word choices, but there may be a pattern of minor errors accompanied by a few significant errors in usage or mechanics
0 pts
No Submission or lacks clarity/organization: No Marks
The essay shows a limited command of the language with repeated significant errors in word choice, usage, or mechanics.
25 pts
Total Points: 100

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