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Business Finance – Management Marketing Paper: Myopia Assignment

Marketing Paper: Myopia Assignment 

You will write 1000 words minimum on the classic Theodore Levitt 1960 paper called Marketing Myopia. ‘Marketing myopia’ is a term coined by Theodore Levitt. A business suffers from marketing myopia when a company views marketing strictly from the standpoint of selling a specific product rather than from the standpoint of fulfilling customer needs. This course is customer-centric. This assignment supports your thinking as you prepare your seminar paper on market disruption. As Theodore Levitt states, “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” Three scholarly authored references required, including the Marketing Myopia article.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Important: Written Assignment Requirements papers  should adhere to current APA format…and that includes the following:
? Times New Roman 12 Font
? Double-Spacing with zero point line spacing (10 point line spacing not allowed).
? One Inch Margins
? Cover Page and Reference Page
? And more…using the current edition of the APA manual as our guide. In addition, it is expected that the following in your writing style this semester:
? Use subject headers for all papers – your reader appreciates and expects that level or organization to your work! You will lose points if you do not do so!
? No visuals in the paper – put in Appendix if absolutely needed. Do not put tables in UNLESS you developed the table yourself.
? Avoid “I” statements – do not talk about yourself, present facts.
? Deliver at least the minimum word count requirement.
? No contractions
? Use the templates as provided strictly – do not change or delete subject headers.
? No PDF files accepted
? Each new paragraph – the first line of that new paragraph should be indented five spaces – please adopt this practice this semester – a pet peeve of mine is to see papers that do not meet this criteria.
? No extra blank lines between paragraphs – deliver a ‘tight’ paper! It is critical that all students are graded based on the same writing approach.
? If you use an online source, please include in the reference page the exact web link as I do verify all sources.
? Avoid using bullet points and numbered lists – write formally, in full paragraphs and full sentences only.
? No abbreviations – if you are referring to the United States of America, write it out…no ‘US’ – this is not good academic writing.
? Always include a cover page and reference page – you all do this, just a friendly reminder!
? Reference page and in-text citations must match exactly.
? Authored articles must be used to meet your requirement. An authored source is simply one that is associated with a person’s full name. No wikis, blogs, videos, podcasts, dictionaries, encyclopedias qualify as a formal authored source. It is fine to use a web site like the United States Census Bureau – but there is no ‘human’s name’ associated with that work. You may use it, but it will not count as one of the required authored sources you must deliver (as outlined by each assignment’s detail.

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