Week 11 Discussion 2 – Will I teach at a school on the East Coast

TP Week 11 Discussion 2 “Will I teach at a school on the East Coast or on the West Coast? Maybe I will teach abroad. Will I teach at a large university or a small liberal arts college?” In terms of a teaching setting, your teaching predecessors, who were embarking on...

Week 11 Discussion 1 – When you consider the differences

TP Week 11 Discussion 1 When you consider the differences between teaching online and in person, what comes to mind? Teaching online in your pajamas? Being dressed in business attire in front of a classroom of students? Consider the personality requirements of...

Comprehensive Literature Review – Now that you have successfully

Comprehensive Literature Review Assignment: Now that you have successfully determined the potential steps to take when preparing and writing a comprehensive literature review, it is time to put some of your readings into action.  1. Using a selective database (e.g.,...

Human Resource Systems – Choose one of the privacy laws

Human Resource Systems Choose one of the privacy laws (Privacy Act of 1974, FCRA, Electronic Communications Privacy Act, HIPAA, or Sarbanes-Oxley Act), and discuss the implication for an HRIS in protecting employee and employer information. In responding to your...

HIS315 Week 4 Discussion – Compare the literary description

Week 4 Dis1 His 315 Reading: [Nigerian author Chinua Achebe]  Things Fall Apart, Part 1 (Chapters 1-13, p. 3-125) and Excerpt from {Elie Wiesel’s}  Night (in Constellation text, Ch. 6) Viewing: Schindler’s List (students should be able to borrow the DVD from their...

There are several elements related to privacy and technology

Human Resource Systems There are several elements related to privacy and technology that need to be considered when implementing an HRIS. As an HR manager, how you will address potential security risks on employee data, third-party access, or organizational data for a...
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