Human Services – Describe the difference between empathy

Human Services In your post, describe the difference between empathy and sympathy. Apply what you’ve learned about empathy to the concept of intersectionality and clients’ vulnerability to oppression, discrimination, and marginalization in society. What is...

Week 3 Discussion – Do you think that trainee firearms examiners

Discussion 3 611 Week 3 Discussion 300 words 2 references/intext citations  1. Do you think that trainee firearms examiners should have knowledge of firearms before they are hired and trained? 2. Do you think that firearms examination should have statistical results...

Discussion 1 Part 1 – Compared to professions such as law

Discussion Board #1 – Part 1 As a well read Masters student in Criminal Justice you have been asked to give your opinion on the following inquiry: Compared to professions such as law, medicine, and accounting, do you consider policing to be a profession? Why or...

Crime Control Versus Due Process Models Of Criminal Justice

Crime Control Versus Due Process Models Of Criminal Justice The text discusses two primary goals of American criminal justice:  the need to enforce the law and maintain order and the need to protect people from injustice. Chapter 1 addresses this issue beginning on...
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