Kant Chapter 1

Following from the first forum we had on Kant, which explored the very Socratic goal of achieving independence or freedom from the reliance upon holy books or inspired prophets to know what is moral or holy that we see in religion even today, let’s think about how the...

Explain how this work illuminates your bibliography topic.

About Plastic. Any information about the Plastic problem. For each of the 6 sources, you will do the following: Bibliographically cite the source using MLA citation rules. Write a concise annotation that summarizes the central ideas of the source. Include one or more...

Choose two of the following three questions.

Choose two of the following three questions. Each answer should be 400-500 words long (800-1,000 words total). Make sure that your answers are not simply summaries of material that has already been presented. Support and justify your answers by demonstrating knowledge...
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