You’ll be reading/watching some information about automation and the future of manufacturing, and then answering how these trends have influenced traditional decision analytics of foreign direct investment and give two reasons based on the videos why you think that automation will replace many jobs and two reasons why you think it won’t.

There are 3 questions each one must be answered in 300 words. You’ll be reading/watching some information about automation and the future of manufacturing, and then answering how these trends have influenced traditional decision analytics of foreign direct investment...

What is a budget?

( make it simple as you can ) 9.1 Learning Outcomes: Understand the meaning of budget and different types of budgets. Examine the requirements for effective budgeting. 9.2 Action Required: Watch the video at the following link 9.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): What...

Identify any mode(s) in the data set.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in your course textbook, Chapter 3 in the Jarman (2013) e-book, the Week 1 Instructor Guidance, and review the Describing DataLinks to an external site. video and the Khan Academy video on...
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