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In this assignment, you are asked to compare and contrast different interpretations of cultural globalization by reflecting on your own lived experiences.
This assignment builds on Module 3: Globalization and Culture, Part 1, and Module 4: Globalization and Culture, Part 2. The relevant readings are Chapter 5 in your Steger textbook, and the online reading by Hebron & Stack, “Debunking the Myths, Chapter 7.”
As discussed by your readings and learning materials, cultural globalization is an incredibly complex and much debated phenomenon. This “intensification and expansion of cultural flows across the globe” (Steger, 2017, p. 80) involves both the homogenization, and hybridization of cultural practices throughout the world. This assignment invites you to consider how the dynamics of cultural globalization shape your own lived experiences.
Your task is to choose any ONE specific cultural product, experience, or expression, and explain how it reflects the dynamics of cultural globalization. You may, for example, choose to consider the ways in which a particular food you enjoy or music you listen to demonstrates the phenomenon of ‘glocalization,’ or perhaps how the adoption of a Western style of dress or the global popularity of an American movie reflects the phenomenon of cultural homogenization. (Due to past plagiarism, please do not pick a McDonald’s product as your topic.)
Investigate your chosen example by exploring two credible books or peer-reviewed journal articles for further information. These sources MUST be drawn from the Humber Libraries website.
Once you have a good amount of detailed information about your specific cultural product, experience, or expression, use theoretical and empirical details drawn from your readings, and related learning materials to explain precisely how your example demonstrates the phenomenon of cultural globalization. Be sure to clearly define and explain key concepts (e.g. culture, Americanization, hybridization) using your readings and learning materials. I want to see you use relevant content from “Learning Materials” and both the Steger and Hebron & Stack readings.
Remember to properly reference all ideas and information using APA referencing format to avoid the serious academic offence of plagiarism. Visit the following site for guidelines about how to properly reference sources. Click here for a guide. Failure to properly reference constitutes plagiarism and will result in an automatic grade of zero. Students who commit this serious academic offence will be reported to the college for academic misconduct.
Compose an informal essay with a minimum word count of 500-750 words (for a greater chance at a superior grade, aim for 800-900 words) to describe your example and explain how the example you have chosen demonstrates the dynamics of cultural globalization. Your ideas should be organized using proper sentence and paragraph structure. Phrase information in your own words as much as possible to show your understanding of course content. Remember to properly reference all information and ideas using APA citation format.
Content: The example chosen is relevant and described in ample, accurate detail. A considerable amount of accurate theoretical and/or empirical detail drawn from the readings and related learning materials is used to inform the analysis.
Analysis: Relevant course concepts are accurately defined, and insightfully applied to demonstrate how the example chosen reflects cultural globalization. Ample, accurate, and insightful connections are made between course content and the chosen example.
Clarity: Information is presented in an organized, logical sequence. Ideas are clearly articulated, and consistently accessible to the audience.
Referencing: All information is properly referenced using APA citation format. There should be in-text, parenthetical references, as well as full end-of-text references.

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