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Paper Structure Requirements
1. Heading. Papers should begin with a memo-style heading like this (you can be creative):
To: Jesse Norris, Director, Center for Transnational Crime Research From: [Your Name], Research Associate
Date: December 1, 2021
Re: Cybercrime Article
2. Introduction (1/2 page to 1 page)
a. The first paragraph should be less than a page long (about half a page is good).
It should briefly summarize your paper. Example (just an illustration – you don’t need to follow this closely): The article, “A,” uses B method to determine whether C. The study found that D and E, and concluded F. I argue that the study could have been improved by G and H.
3. Summarize the Article (About 2 pages) (several short paragraphs)
a. The first main section of the paper should provide a detailed, comprehensive
summary of the article, including its research question, the findings from previous research (this can be one very brief paragraph), a paragraph on the methodology (do not give excessive detail here), the results (describe all the results in detail in two or more paragraphs), and the discussion/conclusion (one brief paragraph). This should take about 2-3 pages. Remember, no quotes are allowed in the paper.
4. Discuss How to Improve the Research Project (2-3 pg, several short paragraphs) a. The second main section should provide your detailed analysis of how the
study could be improved, if it was replicated (conducted again). Alternatively, you may use this section to design a research study that would test the article’s arguments, or advance knowledge in the area by building on the findings of the article. This should take about 2 pages or more. It needs to be detailed and well thought out, and include a 1) new research question, 2) at least one change in the methods (while explaining why), and a 3) hypothesis (what you think you will find and why.)
i. Note: It is important to understand that research involves studying the way the world is now or in the past. It is not about proposing policy changes in the future.
5. Conclusion (1/2 page or less)
a. The conclusion should be very short, half a page or less, and should briefly summarize the article and your analysis.
Length. 5 pages double-spaced (going a little over is OK). Avoid unnecessary white space, so there’s room for as much content as possible. No space needed between heading & paper.
References. No reference section is required. However, provide the title and author of the article in the first paragraph of your paper. Citations after each sentence are not required. (Remember, no quotes or exact words of the author).
Style Requirements
1. Because this is a short assignment, there is no room for “fluff” (like beginning with “Drug smuggling is an important issue in today’s society.”) Instead, get straight to the point.
2. Do not use contractions (such as don’t, isn’t, shouldn’t, won’t, didn’t, etc.)
3. There must be at least 1 paragraph break on each page. Don’t make paragraphs too long.
4. Quotations Not Allowed. Do not use quotations (Example: Smith said, “Criminology is fun” (Smith 2016: 27).) Instead, put things in your own words. (Example: Smith describes Criminology as enjoyable (Smith 2016)).
5. Plagiarism. Using someone else’s words without quoting them is plagiarism, even if you cite the author. There will be no tolerance for plagiarism in this course. Again, you cannot use the exact words of any source.

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