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Classmate 1: Martyna: Hi class,
When reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic and the response within my community I think I saw all conflict management styles being utilized especially when it came to mask wearing and vaccination. My personal style especially in the professional environment is collaborating. The collaborating style is a combination of being assertive and cooperative, where both sides can get what they want and negative feelings are minimized (Walden University, 2022). I believe it is best to work with others to identify a solution to fully satisfy everyone’s concerns. One example I can identify during the COVID-19 pandemic was the solution to vaccination status. Many organizations required COVID vaccines but had employees who did not agree with the requirement. One solution to this issue was requiring COVID testing prior to you workday if the individual chose not to be vaccinated. I would describe this as an example of collaborating possibly bordering on compromising. In the hospital there were incidents of patients not wanting to be taken care of by unvaccinated nurses, a collaborative approach was to adhere to the patients’ wishes by changing the assignment. Collaborating in the professional environment is important because disagreements can arise often, however learning from each other’s insights may lead to a creative solution to an interpersonal problem. Out of the five conflict management styles I would argue that the avoiding style may be the worst since the issue never gets addressed but ignored instead. By avoiding uncomfortable situations no positive growth can occur from it.
Walden University. (2022). What’s your conflict management style?
Classmate 2: Laban:
Module 6 Discussion.
Hello Dr. D. and Classmates.
Negotiating and Mediation Using Conflict Management Styles.
The Covid-19 pandemic affected nearly all sectors of the global economy. The situation changed life worldwide due to isolation, travel restrictions, contact restrictions, health strains, and economic breakdowns. Global health is the most affected sector; until today, the health sector is still struggling to recover from Covid-19 impacts. Community-based health services have been at the forefront of providing care and effectively responding to the aftermath of Covid-19 despite facing many challenges. Healthcare workers often meet conflicting situations requiring mediation and negotiation skills to sail through. This discussion outlines how I would apply negotiation and mediation approaches in different conflict management strategies, such as collaborating, competing, avoiding, accommodating, and comprising, to respond to the Covid-19 situation.
Collaboration involves working with others to find a solution that satisfies all parties. As a public health professional in a community setup, I would partner with employees and other leaders to achieve unified goals (Kraybill, 2005). This includes providing solutions and enabling parties to develop suggestions that meet their unified interests. As a mediator and negotiator, I focus on ensuring the Covid-19 response mechanism produces high-end results for all parties. In the competing style, I would negotiate and mediate to ensure that there is only one winner. As a community health leader, I would intervene and negotiate competitively to achieve the best solution to the Covid-19 situation. I might not consult other community members but find the most effective solution from the identified alternatives.
Avoidance involves being unassertive and uncooperative in finding a solution. Here, an individual decides to postpone or let the situation resolve itself (Kraybill, 2005). When faced with such a scenario, I will walk out, especially if the issue is inconsequential. Sometimes, mediation and negation do not work, particularly in an emotionally charged atmosphere. Thus, the best way to avoid the situation is to concentrate on other essential things. Even the best negotiators can walk out of a problem. For instance, if the community members or employees have no interest in specific Covid-19 measures, I would not force them by letting them be or waiting for the right time to solve the situation. According to Wand and Wu (2020), they assert that the internal conflict of a program affects the entire performance of the program team and the success of the program. Accommodating is the opposite of competing. Here, a party may sacrifice to satisfy the other person’s needs. It is being generous; however, it may mean taking advantage of the other party. When mediating and negotiating under this conflict management style, I would find the most cooperative parties and convince them about the issue at their own expense. In this situation, the usual mediation and negotiation approach may not consider all parties’ interests. Even if the outcome may not be the desired one, it is effective when there are more optimal solutions as the environment for future mutual relevant wins is preserved.
Under the compromise style, parties find a mutually acceptable solution. This solution partially satisfies both parties and enhances cooperation between those involved (Kraybill, 2005). Under this style, I will agree to cooperate with employees’ suggestions at my own expense aiming at immediate short-term positive outcomes which seeking long-term remedies for the problem. Also, I will mediate and negotiate with both parties to ensure no losses in the outcome. Although this may not bring the desired effect, it results in an optimal solution that satisfies many parties.
The overall goal of a mediator and negotiator is to ensure a mutual solution with an optimal outcome. This involves considering the interests of different parties. However, some situations, such as avoidance and competition, may not be achieved through negotiation and mediation. According to Madalina (2016), conflict management and resolution skills can result in improved teamwork, productivity and patient, community, and employee’s satisfaction
Kraybill, R. (2005). Understanding five conflict styles. Meisha Rouser Leadership & Professional Development. to an external site.
Madalina, O. (2016). Conflict Management, A New Challenge. Journal of Prodecia Economics and Finance. Vol. 39(1), pp. 807-814.
Wang, N., & Wu, G. (2020). ASystematic Approach to Effective Conflict Management for Program. SAGE Journal. Vol. 10(1), pp. 25-85.

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