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REQUIRED: At least 3 outside sources, MLA format, LIMIT OF 2 PAGES, NOT INCLUDING VISUALS
Write an editorial about an issue concerning you, your community, or our global community.
Editorials are meant to influence public opinion, promote critical thinking, and sometimes cause people to take action on an issue. In essence, an editorial is an opinionated news story.
Sample editorial format:
Introduction paragraph, several body paragraphs, and impressive/thought provoking conclusion. The structure is the same most academic essays have. Remember, in this case in particular, an economy of words, a wealth of meaning.
An objective interpretation of the problem or question with the help of facts, statistics, figures, etc. Complex issues deserve more attention than simple topics.
A timely news angle.
Arguments provided by the opposing side aimed to prove the information is 100% objective, unbiased, and complete.
Author’s points of view written in a formal language (excellent editorials do not focus on personalities when trying to persuade the reader).
Other possible solutions to the discussed cases obtained with the help of constructive criticism and professionalism.
A summary which closes with the powerful Call to Action. Pack a powerful punch!
Four Types of Editorials Will:
1. Explain or interpret: Editorials will explain a sensitive or controversial subject.
2. Criticize: Editorials constructively criticize actions, decisions or situations while providing solutions to the problem identified. Immediate purpose is to get readers to see the problem.
3. Persuade: Editorials of persuasion aim to immediately see the solution, not the problem. From the first paragraph, readers will be encouraged to take a specific, positive action.
Praise: These editorials commend people and organizations for something done well. They are not as common as the other three.
Writing an Editorial
1. Pick a significant topic that has a current news angle and would interest readers.
2. Collect information and facts; include objective reporting; do research
3. State your opinion briefly in the fashion of a thesis statement
4. Explain the issue objectively as a reporter would and tell why this situation is important
5. Give opposing viewpoint first with its quotations and facts
6. Refute (reject) the other side and develop your case using facts, details, figures, quotations. Pick apart the other side’s logic.
7. Concede a point of the opposition — they may have some good points you can acknowledge that would make you look rational.
8. Give a realistic solution(s) to the problem that goes beyond common knowledge. Encourage critical thinking and pro-active reaction.
9. Wrap it up in a concluding punch that restates your opening remark (thesis statement).
10. Keep it to 2 pages, not including visuals.
I am asking you to compare and contrast 2 articles (about the same topic) of your choice. Please read them in their entirety and use the questions below to analyze them. Please be mindful of your audience when choosing, in order to be culturally, socially, and emotionally aware.
IMPORTANT: Please read the articles of 1 (one, NOT two) other classmate, and offer your response to their articles, using the SAME 5 criteria.
For example, you might compare 2 articles on the same subject from competing news organizations/sources and discuss which journalists did the best job and why (you will need to unpack “best” in terms of verbal and visual elements, as well as ethos, pathos, logos).
Your comparison needs to cover these main points:
1) brief summary of the articles you selected
2) strengths
3) growth points
4) ideas for “art” (such as photos, charts or timelines) to help illustrate the story, and
5) ideas for follow-up stories.

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