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checklist attached and must be used in addition to the three pages.
Directions: Select a five minute video of preschool children to use for this project. You can choose any video that you find interesting. It is suggested that you start by going to YouTube and type in search phrases such as preschool children or preschool aged children at play. Finding the videos is your responsibility. I realize not every video will work perfectly for this project. Find one that is close. For any items not observed, write N/A on the observation chart.
Include the video link on the reference page.
Follow current edition APA style and include the following:
I. Title Page
II. Paper Body
Introduction/Overview – introduce your paper
Observations of Children (describe with details what you observed in terms of cognitive and socio-emotional development of one target child)
Analysis of Observations – analyze what you observed…in other words, compare your observations to the readings/theories, etc. and specifically explain what you think about the target child’s cognitive and socio-emotional development and why
Analysis of Observation Tool – explain the advantages and disadvantages of using a specific observation tool to observe a child (e.g., the observation checklist you used for this assignment). Discuss whether the tool/chart helped you be a better and more focused observer.
Reflection – reflect about using a structured observation tool (e.g., chart) and reflect about what you learned from observing a child in a focused manner.
Conclusion – summarize with a few points and provide a couple of examples of how you could use this kind of observation in a current or future job.
III. Reference Page – make sure to include full, complete reference information including the video link for the video you used for the observation. You must have related in-text citations to credit information that align to your reference list (APA).
IV. Checklist – include your completed checklist showing what you observed and did not (remember to put n/a for items not observed)
Directions: For each item, place a check in the appropriate column
1.Follows two step unrelated directions. (Put the toy up and get a book.)
2.Identifies at least 3 objects from broad range of categories (i.e. animals, food).
3.Identifies objects by the sounds they make (door shut, coin drop, and water running).
4.Articulates clearly, speech intelligible 80% of the time.
5.Asks simple questions.
6.Comments on story when being read to –describes action, asks questions.
7.Spontaneously uses sentences of 3-5 words.
8.Tells first name upon request.
9.Knows friends names.
10.Knows words to short song or rhyme.
Cognitive Skills:
1.Points to 3 shapes–circle, square, triangle.
2.Points to primary colors–red, blue, yellow, green
3.Counts by rote to 10.
4.Demonstrates concept of one and one more.
5.Demonstrates concept of more or less.
6.Completes simple form board.
7.Looks at books, turning one page at a time, talking about story / picture.
8.Imitates simple block design produced by teacher (3 part bridges, 5 color train).
9.Engages in symbolic play (chair used as car, can used as hat).
10.Participates during large group activities (circle, art project, lunch).
Self-Help Skills:
1.Uses spoon and fork to eat.
2.Uses napkin to wipe mouth spontaneously.
3.Undresses self independently.
4.Indicated need to use the toilet.
5.Toilets independently.
6.Uses tissue to wipe nose.
7.Operates large buttons and zippers on own clothing.
8.Pours from a small pitcher into a cup.
9.Washes hands with soap and dries hands.
10.Puts on own coat.

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