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The Globe
Please check to see if the Image(s) you are being asked to review has a title. If there is a title, then I expect you to click on the title and read the corresponding document about the image and phrase your answer in a way that demonstrates your comprehension of this document as it relates to the theory in the text.
Go to The Globe. Locate the United States (in North America). Take a look at the photographs and find the link for the Amish of Pennsylvania. Read the link.
Summarize the link.
How have the Amish maintained Cultural Seclusion.
Summarize what does the text say about Cultural Seclusion? Hint: Cultural Seclusion is one of the types of Adaptation.
Question 2:
Movie Clip
You just viewed a scene from the film “Witness” starring Harrison Ford. Ford’s character is a Philadelphia police detective who is assigned to solve a murder where the only witness is an Amish boy who is traveling with his mother. Neither of them has left their small farm before. Ford discovers that the boy and his mother are not safe and he brings them back to their farm. Ford is wounded in a shoot out and by the time he reaches the farm he passes out from his injury. The Amish woman and her father nurse Ford back to health.
In this particular scene, the boy’s grandfather is explaining to the boy the way the Amish view guns.
The view that the Amish have towards guns and killing is related to which one(s) of the conclusions discussed by Stodtbeck and Kluckhohn in relation to Functions of Cultural Patterns?
Summarize Stodtbeck and Kluckhohn theory.
United States
There is no box on any known government form for a racial or ethnic group called “Cablinasian.”
And, yet, there is at least one American who would check that box. His name is Tiger Woods.
Woods once said in an interview that he invented the word as a child to describe his racial makeup; Caucasian, black, Indian, and Asian.
In addressing his ancestry, Woods has broadened the discussion of race in America, putting into high relief the infinite shades of gray that bridge the largely artificial divide between “black” and “white.”
It is a bold move. Many governmental functions the census, affirmative action and poverty programs, and the drawing of congressional districts are based on counts of the four officially recognized racial groups: American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, black, and white. Those who are “Spanish/Hispanic” may check a box for their country of origin&.Perhaps more important, deeper issues of cultural identity and the nation’s history of racial injustice have been based on long-established racial distinctions.
But it’s the way in which Woods fails to conform to those long-established ideas about race that makes him so interesting.
Why is it so important to select terms that adequately and sensitively identify members of cultural groups?
Question 4:
What is the world orientation of the Aborigines?
Explain what world orientation is.
Give SPECIFIC examples from the essay to support your answer.
In detail, summarize at length the video “What it means to be a leader in different cultures” and relate it to ANY aspect of the course you wish.

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