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Specifications for this assignment:
I. Introduction: The most recent generations alive are
? Baby Boomers (born 1946–1964)
? Generation X (born 1965–1980)
? Millennials (also known as Generation Y) (born 1981–1995)
? Generation Z (born 1996–2010)
? Generation Alpha (born 2010-2024)
Each of these generations witnessed different social and cultural changes and different historical events that shaped their development.
II. Topic for this assignment:
Examine how different social, cultural, and/or historical events influenced the adolescent and young adult development of Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials (Generation Y).
This paper essentially requires you to perform a contrast analysis of these three generations , the experiences that distinguish their adolescent and young adult years, and the developmental outcomes associated with these experiences. The specific focus of the paper is your decision. Possible areas of focus may be school experiences (K-12), family life, personal development (e.g., friendships, romantic relationships,
identity formation, etc.), transition to life after high school (college, work, or both), etc.
III. Research and focus:
Step 1: Search relevant literature in refereed professional journals in psychology, education, medicine, etc. and select at least 8 primary sources that report actual research (i.e., it focuses on statistics and research, not opinion) related to the topic. In addition to the 8 primary sources, you may include 1-2 secondary sources, such as magazines, books, or general web sites. However, do not use your textbook or any other standard textbooks as a source. They are not acceptable; they will not be counted and will lead to a point deduction.
Primary versus Secondary Sources
Primary sources provide a first-hand account of an event or time period and are authoritative. For the purpose of this paper, the best primary sources are empirical research articles that report on original research and that are published in refereed (i.e., peer reviewed) professional journals.
Secondary sources involve analysis, synthesis, interpretation, or evaluation of primary sources. They often attempt to describe or explain primary sources. Position papers and
comprehensive literature reviews published in professional journals are secondary sources. Newspaper and magazine articles are secondary sources. Textbooks are secondary sources.
Some documents can be primary or secondary sources, depending on their contents. For example, newspaper editorial/ opinion pieces that explore how an event affected people at a certain time would be considered a primary source. If the piece is discussing an opinion about the event, then it would be considered to be a secondary source.
Step 2: Organize your sources and develop a thesis statement for your paper. The thesis statement needs to “announce” the focus and “organization” of your paper. Draft an outline for your paper. [At this point in the process, it might be a good idea to consult with a writing coach at the Writing Center to make sure your organization is clear and on topic.]
IV. Writing the paper:
Your written paper must meet the following requirements:
a) Your paper must be written in APA style, with citations, references, format, and
language conventions meeting APA specifications outlined in the 7th edition of
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
b) Your paper must have a cover page with a focused title of your paper, your
name, your class prefix, section number, and date of submission.
c) An introduction that focuses the reader on your topic in general and the specific
purpose of your paper in particular (see sample paper on your course Blackboard
d) The end of your introduction should consist of a clear thesis statement which
foreshadows the organization and the main points of the body of your paper (i.e., an analysis, comparison, introduction of most cutting-edge research on a topic, selected literature on a specific topic, etc.).
e) The body of your paper must present a discussion of the information you listed as your thesis points. On the whole, the body of your paper should be more than just a list of summary statements. I am looking for depth of processing, development of your thesis, elaboration, and analysis of the information. Your paper must not only be organized in a logical manner that supports your thesis, but it must also flow from one section to the next; choppy organization or annotated-bibliography-style writing will lead to point deductions. Your discussion must focus on the studies that you include in your references (who participated, how was the study done, what results were found, what do the results mean, etc.?). Make sure your points are connected.
f) The conclusion of your paper must be more than a summary of the main points of your paper (see topic information above).
g) References(separatepage)inAPAstyle,completewithname,title,yearof publication (or web site name and complete URL), and Digital Object Identifier (doi). Consult the APA resources posted in the Research Paper folder on your Blackboard course site. Also, consult the APA Publication Manual or
the APA web site ( if you have questions about APA style references. Do NOT use the Purdue website as a guide to APA style!
V. Requirements and suggestions:
? The paper should be 5 pages (not counting the cover page and the References page) with appropriate proportionality for introduction, body of the paper, and conclusion.
? The paper must be written in standard font type and size; it must have the standard 1-inch margin on all sides; pages must be numbered (page 1 is the first page of the paper, not the title page).
? If you have questions about writing style or mechanics, please consult a Writing Handbook, the APA Publication Manual (7th edition), the APA links on the library website, or (for information on APA writing style, formatting, citations, and references, see the free tutorials on the APA source page posted on the course Bb page). Do not use the Purdue site for APA assistance!
? Remember that you may also consult with a writing coach at the CU Writing Center.
? Information about APA resources, sample paper, and library resource consultations are posted on your course Blackboard site in the Research Paper assignment.
? Your paper must be grammatically, mechanically, and technically sound. Remember that your audience is your teacher. This means the paper must be solid college-level writing.
? Last, but not least, use direct quotes only if you find it absolutely necessary. Usually, paraphrasing (and of course the proper citations) is preferred. The maximum number of directly quoted text for the entire paper must not exceed 50 words. Excessive quotes will lead to point deductions.
VI. Things not needed:
? You do not need a running title.
? You do not need an abstract.*
? Do not include URLs for CU proxy access in your references.*
* Including these will lead to point deductions.
VII. Due dates and Submission Requirements:
a) Your hard copy paper is due in class on Monday, October 17, 2022 (printed in
regular font type and font size, 1-inch margins, double spaced on one side of the
paper, and stapled).
b) On
Submit your final paper on the Turnitin link entitled “Research Paper” no later than 11:00 a.m. on Monday, October 17, 2022. Late submissions will receive a 10% deduction per day late off the final paper grade.
c) Check your Turnitin index to avoid excess similarity deductions (details below).
Rules and Criteria for
Plagiarism is a serious cheating offense that is unethical and professionally unacceptable. will check your paper against its data base and produce a “match percentage” between your paper and sources registered in the Turnitin data bank. Check your originality report! I will! The originality report shows the similarity index for a paper. The Turnitin assignment check is already set to exclude the References page; thus, the index shown for your paper refers to the body of your paper, not including the References page. For example, if an entire paper is copied and pasted from a source within the database, the match percentage would be 100%.
I employ the following grading rules based on match percentage:
1. A similarity index between 0-15% is not usually a problem, unless a substantial portion of the similarity is due to one or more specific blocks of text in the paper. If the similarity is due to one or more specific blocks of text, this type of paper will incur a 5-point deduction from the final grade of the paper. (For example, a paper that received 90 points in the first round of grading would receive a final grade of 85 points.)
2. A similarity index between 16-40% will be examined carefully. If large blocks of text cause this similarity, the final paper will incur a 10-point deduction from the final grade of the paper. (For example, a paper that received 90 points in the first round of grading would receive a final grade of 80 points.)
3. A similarity index above 41% will be considered a plagiarized paper. This type of paper will automatically receive a grade of F (= 0 points).
PLEASE NOTE: The penalties described above apply not only to plagiarism, but to a lack of paraphrasing. Remember that direct quotes are limited to a maximum of 50 words in total for this paper.

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