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(First Discussion Response with one resource. Please keep the sepreate.)
Keziah Eaddy
Unit 2 Discussion 1
In social work, it is essential to be culturally sensitive to a diverse population of clients. Social workers being culturally sensitive impacts their effectiveness in working with clients who are much different from the social worker and makes them aware of how their values differ from others. According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Ethical Principles and Standards require Social Workers to empower clients, improve their capacity for self-improvement or group and treat them with dignity and respect (National Association of Social Workers, 2021). Therefore, social workers must be culturally sensitive, aware of their cultural differences, and foresee social issues or barriers that may impact their clients. Based on the multicultural diversity assessment in this week’s unit 2 assignment, I am knowledgeable of other races, cultures, and religions and have frequently tailored my approaches based on clients’ backgrounds.
The key characteristics of a culturally sensitive social worker are detailed above. However, they include respecting individuals’ differences, understanding others’ cultural and social norms, and being trustworthy and compassionate. Characteristics are also empathetic, reliable, credible, and honest (Laws & Chilton, 2013). Circumstances that could create difficult situations for a social worker or conflict with their values can occur, and Social Workers are required to resolve these issues as best as possible.
Laws, T., & Chilton, J. A. (2013). Ethics, cultural competence, and the changing face of America. Pastoral Psychology, 62(2), 175-188.
National Association of Social Workers. (2021). Code of Ethics. National Association of Social Workers.
( Second Response with one resource. Keep seperated.)
Stacey Biddle
Unit 2 Discussion 1 Attachment
Social workers should understand culture and its function in human behavior and society, recognizing the strengths that exist in all cultures NASW (2015). Recognizing that the primary needs of a human being is rooted in their cultural strengths and diversity is incredibly valuable in social work, along with living in a community across the spectrum of life. Utilizing these diverse cultural backgrounds that each individual possesses is an asset to the social work person and program. Effectively identifying and remaining vigilant to be sensitive and aware of the needs of others is instrumental to helping others.
To me cultural diversity has a wide reach and can be different on an individual basis. Whether or not circumstances would hinder the social worker could be barriers in communication or connection. Meaning that groups can be either big, small, local or combined by various other groups. Some hindering obstacles of working with groups or individuals outside of your own identifying group, could be trust, past experiences, commonality, trauma, etc. While I may have perfectly well intentions of helping an individual and the ability to do so, it is not entirely effective if the perception of who I am is in question. For an example, a man might not want me as their social worker if their trauma involved a woman, or particularly if there were previous incidences where multi layered with cultural differences. In order to truly help someone, I believe developing trust and openness to meet the person where they are, with a person in environment practice. Aiding the cultural diversity, which may be present, with a willingness to understand and embrace each as a valuable strength in their own resiliency and intervention.
The ways that I can see to improve circumstances and commonality to connect with diverse groups is through knowledge, and understanding their background, culture and language. With English being my only language this could be a major barrier to many of the clients that I will serve. Preparing to work with diverse groups will be a life long pursuit and growing self awareness.
National Association of Social Workers. (2015). Standards and indicators for cultural competence in social work practice [PDF]. Available from

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