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as for what to include in the essay:
1) Give a clear definition of net-zero and how you define opportunities and challenges
2) Significance of this transition for HK and for the world
3) HK’s position in a bigger picture
4) HK’s current policies. So here, you can go in either one of the 3 directions:
a) Government policies
b) Private organisations
c) Non-government organisations
After you’ve chosen one of them, just justify your choice and tell why i chose this one over the others
Main part:
1) Talk about the opportunities and challenges of this transition. I’ve been told that professor quitefavors the discussion of the techonological aspect of this transition, but it isn’t a must. I think it’d be quite great if you can balance the discussion between technological aspect and other (like economics and etc). However, you can do both or either one of them as you see fit.
Just be mindful that you’ve only considered one of the many possible directions and briefly state that there could be many potential future directions
I attached the file which explains the task, and you also have suggested readings there to include in your essay ( these readings are your main source of information to lean on). You can also include extra sources, but there isn’t any requirement on how many to includ. I think somewhere 1-3 should be enough, but again it’s for your consideration. I also included the class material as well which i think might be helpful to you.

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