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Assignment Workload:
This Assignment comprise of a short Case.
Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.
Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:
After completion of Assignment two students will able to understand the following LOs:
LO3: To demonstrate a thorough understanding of an HR Strategic planning which includes effective job analysis, recruitment, and selection strategies.
LO4: To have the ability to deliver and communicate HR policies messages in coherent and professional manner.
LO5: To have the ability to carry out objective and scientific analysis of employees’ performance management.
LO6: To be able to identify and describe the needs of the parties involved in labor relations, and how these needs are balanced.

Read the case given and answer the questions:
Bilal, director of human resources for STARZ and Hussain, store manager for the new Dammam branch store, are sitting on the beach, sipping coffee, and watching the sun set over the Corniche. Bilal salutes his cup to Hussain, “We had a great first week!”
Hussain agrees, “Waleed and Omar couldn’t have done it better themselves! They’re proud of us, I think.”
Bilal leans back in his chair, “Great guys. I can’t believe they only stayed down here two days before turning us loose on our own. How did they start this? How did they get this way?”
Hussain, Waleed’s son-in-law, says, “Sarah [Waleed’s daughter] tells a good story. Seems Waleed and Omar have known each other since grade school. They played baseball, football, basketball, stickball. They went fishing, camping, and exploring caves together. They loved all the games. Both had to have other people around to admire them, to be with them. Waleed was happy if everyone played. Omar was happy when they won, especially when they won big. They kept in touch through college, marriage, and kids. They played on community teams and were big in Little League coaching, stuff like that.
“When they were about 45 years old, they had all the fame and fortune they wanted and decided to give their childhood another try. Waleed left a job as a radio-television marketing and promotions manager. Omar was a structural engineer for an auto manufacturer. They first started STARZ as a sporting equipment store and used equipment swap for middle-school and high-school teams when their own kids were that age. Sarah remembers getting used softball equipment from the old store.”
Bilal stares at the water. “Wonder what I’ll be doing when I hit the big four-O? I could see myself still at STARZ! I like all the people, and I think people are important. Sports, fitness, balance, are all part of what is important to me. I’m okay with not a lot of money. What about you?” Hussain looks at him. “I think I’ll own the business by then. I know how it could be more profitable. We could give leaner commissions and cut some of the benefits. I think it could be a lot bigger. Take on the major franchises. I’d like that. Maybe change the name to HUSSAIN STARZ!”

Assignment Questions: M.M.15
1. Define career and success for Hussain, Bilal, Waleed, and Omar. (3 Marks)
2. Trace career stages for each of them. (3Marks)
3. What career and employee development activities should Waleed and Omar provide for Hussain and Bilal? (3Marks)
4. Identify Holland vocational preferences for Hussain, Bilal, Waleed, and Omar. (3Marks)
5. Suggest career management strategies that Hussain and Bilal could utilize (3Marks)

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