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Background and Purpose
In the first half of this class we explored fictional monsters, and talked a bit about the role that these monsters play in our culture. We create monsters in our fictional worlds to help us process fear of the unknown–how we respond to anything or anyone who is different from us. This happens in real life as well–groups of people are dehumanized and demonized for their differences which can lead to discrimination, inequality and even violence. In our final paper of the semester we are going to explore the connections between monster theory and dehumanization, and through this exploration, consider how we might try to better understand one another.
For this assignment you will be asked to select and read chapters from two core reading texts:
The Monster Theory Reader by Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock (particularly sections II, III and IV).
Making Monsters: The Uncanny Power of Dehumanization by David Livingstone Smith
You will select two chapters (one from each book) that address complementing themes. You will them write a comparative analysis essay that explores how these readings together approach the topic in different or similar ways.
Introduce the general topic being discussed in both of these readings, introduce the chapters, by author and title and briefly (1-2 sentences) summarize each. Thesis Statement: How do these readings together help shape your understanding of how “monsters” are made within our cultures?
Body paragraphs (3-4 paragraphs) that compare key ideas in both of the readings, similarities and differences in how the readings approach these ideas, and how your own insights compare to what you see in the readings. –organize your body paragraphs by key ideas, use the synthesis grid tool to do this.
Concluding paragraph that explains to the reader why topics around dehumanization are important to consider and how we might go about trying to better understand people who are different from us.
Length: 3-4 pages minimum
Include no less than six quotes from your two chosen book chapters
APA style formatting and documentation
Font: Standard fonts and margins–a 12-point font; Times New Roman or 11-point Calibri are good font choices.
This paper should use in-text citations where appropriate and necessary and should have a References list citing your chosen image and the article)
In accordance with APA formatting, you will need to include a cover page for this assignment

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