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Does the novel contain a great deal of symbolism? Perhaps you could write a paper that deals with the author’s use of symbolism in the novel.
Rather than listening to a lecture and submitting assignments from the previous lecture as in a face-to-face class, you will access this course at your convenience, read the assignments in the textbook, and select from the additional resources those that best fit your learning style for practice and remediation, and submit assignments electronically in accordance with the schedule.
You are required to write several essays covering each of the genres and a research paper. Some of these essays will be included in the testing format; others will require separate turn-in during the semester. These papers will count as a major portion of your grade for this course. Failure to follow instructions will result in a one-letter grade penalty.
All essays and your research paper will follow MLA formatting guidelines. Review the MLA Resources page on the course menu.
You are expected to complete all assigned work and turn it in on time.
ALL work submitted for this course must be your own work. When you are asked to use outside resources, they must be properly cited.
You agree that by taking this course all required papers, exams, class projects, or other assignments submitted for credit may be submitted to SafeAssign or other electronic programs to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity. You understand all work submitted to SafeAssign will be added to its database of papers. You further understand that if the results of such a review support an allegation of academic dishonesty, the coursework in question, as well as any supporting materials, may be submitted to Central Texas College official representatives for investigation and possible initiation of disciplinary proceedings.
Remember that computer problems are no excuse for late assignments. Be sure that you have alternate e-mail resources available throughout the semester–check with friends, local libraries, Internet cafes, education centers, etc.
The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the schedule throughout the semester. Advance notice will be given to you via course announcements. It is your responsibility to be aware of all pending changes by regularly checking the announcements.

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