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IIQ #1: Are You Your Nervous System?
The fundamental theme for the course is that all behavior is based on nervous system activity. Despite this being at the core of modern neuroscience research, some people are uncomfortable with this position.
This IIQ is an opportunity for you to explain your position and defend your position on the fundamental theme for the modern study of the brain and behavior.
Answer the Question: Are we more than just a sum of our anatomical and chemical parts?
Your written assessment of this is your chance to explain what you think in more detail that we can discuss in class.
You should be able to substantiate what you say with specific (and appropriately cited) sources.
Here are some things to consider as you ponder how to best answer this question:
Are we really just a sum of what the neurons, glia, and brain chemicals are doing in our nervous system?
How does what you say in regard to #1 above relate to the human concept of ‘free will’?
The guidelines and grading rubric for this assignment are posted in Canvas. This assignment is due by midnight 7 days after the assignment is posted (for Fall 2022, Wed 10/05 at 11:59 PM).
At several points during the semester you will be given a question related to the study of the
brain and behavior. The question asked will not be one for which you can look up the ‘right’
answer. Instead, the question will be a thought question. These questions are based on topics
that neuroscientists, ethicists, and natural philosophers ponder.
You will be responsible for researching the question and formulating an organized and coherent
response. What you write should be based on a thoughtful evaluation of your research.
Answers must be in proper English. Points will be deducted for poor spelling, incoherent
writing, in addition to illogical or irrational ideas.
You will have an entire week to complete each of the IIQ assignments during the semester.
The length of each IIQ submission can be variable but should always be LESS THAN 4 (FOUR)
typed, single-spaced pages (not counting references/resources cited).
You will submit you IIQ responses to the appropriate link in Canvas.
Points will be deducted from your grade if you fail to follow the guidelines below.
Your responses to the question should be organized as follows:
1. Restate and explain the question asked in your own words. Explicitly explain the
connection of the question to the study of the brain and behavior.
Your goal is to convince the reader you understand the question being asked.
2. Summarize the research you conducted. What do two or three
scientists/philosophers/politicians, etc. say about the topic.
Internet research is fine as long as you critically evaluate the what is being said and who
is saying it (there is a tremendous amount of brain & behavior nonsense in the internet).
The primary research literature and review articles may be your best resources. The key
is to use whatever resources are at your disposal to learn what others have concluded
about the topic/question. The summary of what other people have said should be in
your own words (avoid the extensive use of quotes).
Your goal is to prove you understand current viewpoints on the question being
3. Explain what you conclude based on what others write/say/said about the topic. Do you
agree or disagree with what other people think? Why have you taken your position on
the topic? This is your opportunity to explain what you think.
Your goal is to show evidence of deep thinking and consideration of the
topic. Your position should be well-organized and well-defended.
4. References – Provide a list of references and sources cited. If you used websites as part
of your research, the links provided should be active. Points will be deducted for
internet sites (i.e., links) that are not active. Similarly, points will be deducted from
references that cannot be verified.

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