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Question #1 This quote is taken from The Hydra Head by Carlos Fuentes, Chapter 22: “We sought a place where we might be masters, not slaves. But one is master of himself only when he has no slaves. We did not know how to be masters, without new slaves, so we ended up by being executioners, in order not to be victims. We found victims to escape being victims. Each of us looks at the other and sees only his own suffering in the eyes of the enemy. To reject the others’ suffering, inevitably a mirror image of our own, [leads to] our only recourse, violence… [although] power knows itself to be temporary, it is always cruel.” —————————————————————————————————————— Although this quote was taken from the Fuentes’ book which we did not read this semester, it presents many ideas about the Allende novel, Maya’s Notebook. The dynamic of domination/oppression (the master/slave relationship) is present in this quote and was evident in Allende’s book in many different instances of Maya’s life. So, looking back at some of the episodes in Maya’s Notebook, and the people encountered in this novel, explain some of these relationships and their application to the quote itself. In other words, you are briefly comparing Allende and Fuentes.
Question #2 This quote is taken from Maya’s Notebook by Isabel Allende. “Sometimes I am assaulted by a memory of a scene from that time on the street, in a memory that flares up inside me and leaves me trembling. then there are times I wake up sweating with images in my head, as vivid as if they were real. In the dream, I see myself running, screaming voicelessly, in a labyrinth of narrow alleys that coil like serpents, buildings with blank doors and windows, not a soul to ask for help-[ I am] all alone.” ____________________________________________________________________________ This passage presents aspects of trauma and memory. It also emphasizes many insights about violence and power on individual and societal levels. To repeat some previous ideas, the Maya storyline focuses on a young girl’s self-survival. We read about many circumstances concerning this teen-age protagonist’s life. These acts involved things, such as, incidents of drug and alcohol abuse, as well as crime and problems dealing with parental rejection. If that were not severe enough, we find out, as the story progresses, that Maya is also pursued by various sectors, such as, the F.B.I., Interpol, and drug gangs. Luckily, her grandmother, who is a loving and quite innovatively bohemian person, manages to send her to a faraway place called Chiloé, which is an island off the coast of Chile. In what ways do these incidents, scenes, characters, and/or places from Maya’s Notebook connect to trauma and memory?

(That’s a link for the article and I will also attach a file summary for the article)

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