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Purpose of this Assessment
The purpose of the Final Assessment for this competency is to demonstrate awareness of the use of the Scientific Method and discuss a specific biological situation within the context of the subject of biology from a list of potential topics.
Items Required for Submission
The item required for submission is a 7-10 page paper in APA format with the four distinct sections detailed below for any of the topics you select.
Step ONE: Introduction (1-2 pages)
Introduce the topic that you selected. Provide details for how the Scientific Method can help to expand
your understanding of that topic and why you picked that particular topic to research. Step TWO: Context of Biological Kingdom (2-3 pages)
Biology is a BIG subject area (biological kingdom). Your particular topic happens to originate in the biological kingdom somehow. Provide a detailed explanation for that relationship using your new-found knowledge of biology.
Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric 1
Principles and Concepts, Level A Final Assessment: Outline and Rubric Step THREE: Specific Topic Under Discussion (2-3 pages)
As well as possible, discuss the topic that you selected. What appealed to you about the topic? Are there any unusual properties or applications for your topic? Try to connect the topic to the biological content you just finished reviewing in the competency.
Step FOUR: Concluding Remarks (2 pages)
Project ten years into the future. What will conditions be like for the topic you selected then, and what was necessary to accomplish over that time period? If you apply the Scientific Method now to your own work, what might be your next steps in understanding the specific topic more completely? Try to discuss the topic scientifically, and not just from emotions or opinions.
Step FIVE: Complete Checklist for Submission
Before you submit your work, check to see if you have met the criteria noted below. Did you:
? ?
? Introduce the topic you selected in the Introduction section in your paper and discuss how the Scientific Method can help to expand the general knowledge that we have on that topic?
? Situate your particular biological situation within the overall workings of the Biological Kingdom in the Context section? Is the connection between the two fairly well established?
? Provide a full explanation of your particular biological situation and use content from the competency where appropriate in completing the Specific Topic section?
? Include a plausible 10-year projection and detail the steps required in the Concluding Remarks section?
? Include a description of how to increase understanding of your situation using the Scientific Method?
? Demonstrate professional writing and presentation style by:
o Paraphrasing technical language or use quotes and citations, to avoid plagiarism issues? o Proof-reading your paper to ensure accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation?
o Meeting the specified requirements of length and formatting specifications?
o Providing citations using correct APA format if appropriate?
Step SIX: Submit Your Work
Your completed files should be submitted through the Final Assessment page of your competency.
Please note, for files smaller than 10MB (e.g., most Word documents), use the corresponding “+UPLOAD STUDENT FILE” button to upload your Final Assessment documents.

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