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Post 1:
Coming into my practicum experience has been important to me given that it has enabled me to link learning from the classroom to real clinical settings. As an aspiring geriatric nurse practitioner, the practicum experience has enabled me to apply the knowledge that I acquire in the classroom in a clinical setting.
What professions did you interact with?
Many types of mental health care professionals came into play with achieving goals for clients. The professions I interacted with were, Psychologists, Counselors, Clinicians, Therapists, Clinical Social Workers and Pastoral Counselors.
What challenges did the inter-professional team had to overcome to deliver competent care?
Main barriers inter professional team encountered where to lack of time and training, lack of clear roles, and poor communication.
How did the inter-professional care enhance the status of a client/population? It Closes Communication Gaps by
working independently could lead to missed symptoms or miscommunication about patient needs. With increased collaboration, medical professionals are interacting on a personal level, sharing ideas about patient treatment and working together to maintain continuity of care. It Enables Comprehensive patient care when team members from different disciplines work jointly, it’s easier to form a more comprehensive view of patient care. Think of each medical professional as holding a piece to the puzzle. Bringing all these pieces together enables a better understanding of the patient’s needs.
How might this experience affect your future practice?
I will more likely gain a graduate level job by having relevant experience. Not only does it show that I have relevant skills, but it also demonstrates my interest in the area of work that I have gone out to find experience. This experience helps me work on a whole range of employment skills, from learning about and adapting to workplace culture to time management and teamwork.
World Health Organization (WHO). Framework for Action on Inter-professional Education & Collaborative Practice. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2010.
Post 2:
Welcome to Week 10. Yesterday, October 19, 2022, I completed the last of my practicum hours. It has truly been a journey and an amazing experience working at the free clinic. Community healthcare is very different than working in the acute and long-term care setting at the hospital. Volunteering at the free clinic requires much creativity and thinking out-of-the-box. At the clinic we have to be very resourceful to meet the needs of the clients. We have to referral out a lot at the clinic due to limited resources available from the clinic for the community it service. Now that it’s Flu season, we have started preparing ourselves to offer the Flu vaccine for the community. I’ve noticed, not a lot of clients came into the clinic inquiring about the flu vaccine this month. Since COVID-19, the country and the way things are done are much different; I think. I feel that the mindsets of people has changed. I’m not sure if this is for the better or worst. What I have observed and based on my experience at the clinic, people no longer have that fear factor anymore. It’s like they feel as though they are invincible post COVID-19 or they simply have become numb to everything. People are becoming tired of it all, I feel. Or, maybe it’s the face masks that they still wear have taken their drive away from the concerns of the spread and catching the Flu. So, from a nurse stand point, I find myself encouraging, teaching, re-teaching, educating, and motivating the clients to stay focus.
My aggregates at the clinic were three non-diabetic clients that were moving in the direction of pre-diabetes. I chose these three clients mainly for this reason. These clients are income challenged, with no health insurance, and very little knowledge about diabetes; although they’ve all heard about diabetes. At the start of my practicum, all three clients from my aggregate BMIs were high, one suffered from hypertension, one started taking steroids for an ankle injury and couldn’t work-out like he often did pre-injury, and the third one was a single mom with very little help. I was able to meet with and teach each individual client about pre-diabetes, diabetes, and preventative care measures they needed to take to decrease their likelihood from developing this disease. This week, I was able to communicate with all three clients to let them know that their numbers had improved and encouraged them to keep up with their progress. It was very rewarding for me because I felt I made a difference and a health impact in their lives.
This entire experience has made me even more proud to be a professional nurse. To see the turn-around of these clients’ lives, to put a smile on their faces, to outwardly express to these clients that they are just as important as everyone else regardless of their situation or circumstances was an accomplishment within itself. Although this practicum focus point was about my aggregate group, I was able to build a rapport with all three of the clients and many others at the clinic. It was a trust exchange between me and them. I am truly grateful to have had this experience. I started this practicum very narrow minded and nervous; my growth as a professional nurse and a person has inspired me to keep growing and learning to help improve the lives of as many people as possible.
”The relationship between community health nurses and their patients is egalitarian, meaning they share the responsibility of the patient’s health outcome” (St. Catherine University, 2021).
St. Catherine University, (2021). What Is a Community Health Nurse? St. Catherine University.

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