Select two areas to compare.

Question 1- Select two of the following areas and briefly compare humans, chimps and bonobos in regards to similarities and differences; a) social group structure, mating patterns and care for dependent offspring, b) dominance hierarchies, c) violence both within...

Why is this important?

For this assignment, you will engage with a combination of videos and written texts. In addition to the TEDx talk, most of these readings are short and written for a general audience (that’s code for more engaging). Ted Talk:...

Each answer should be within 200 to 500 range of word counts.

# You should not copy from any website # References must be written # The assignment must be delivered on time # The agreed number of words must be adhered to # Give examples and write a perfect answer # From 1000-12000 words Each answer should be within 200 to 500...
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