Grid balance

INSTRUCTIONS GRID BALANCE Objectives: To demonstrate the effect of the format on balance. To make a direct connection between composition and concept. Materials: Colored papers and photocopies of textures from your texture inventory. Glue stick, straight edge, knives...

What are at least 3 purposes/uses of art?

please write a discussion post MAIN DETAILS: What is an art & what is it good for? In your opinion, what is art? What are at least 3 purposes/uses of art? Part 2: The Role of Art & Artist In your opinion, what is the role of the artist in society? n your...

How do you agree or disagree with the author?

WK5 Discussion forum assignment – e-waste Search the Web for online magazines” related to computers and technology. Locate an article about e-waste. To be considered current, the article must have been published within the last 300 days. Anything older is considered...
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